03 octubre 2008

Activities in English. Thanks to Susan Thurgood


  • Website for kids: www.kidsinmadrid.com A guide for English-speaking families.
  • Teen expats’ social network: http://www.teenxpats.com
  • Finbars trad session on Thursdays
    Fancy listening to some genuine Irish traditional music, live and acoustic, while you enjoy one of the best pints Madrid has to offer? Or maybe you fancy playing yourself? Every Thursday at 10.30pm (a little later when there's footie) the musicians gather at Finbars to have the craic.
    Finbars, c/Marqués de Urquijo, 10.

What’s on

  • Thursday 2nd October until June

BLA Charity shop re-opens

Located at Nave 19, Calle N, Europolis, Las Rozas Our Charity Shop, which is staffed entirely by volunteers within the British Ladies Association, and is one of our main sources of income, is open from the beginning of October until June every Thursday and first Saturday of the month from 11am to 3pm..All second-hand clothes, books, toys, bric-a-brac, kitchen-ware, DVDs, CDs and videos are welcome. A great place to pick up a bargain or two. All the proceeds go to our charities. If travelling by car, take the A6 and exit by the Escorial, Las Rozas exit (salida 18). Keep left towards the Escorial and proceed up the small motorway, turning right at the Citroen showrooms and turning immediately right again into Calle N. Buses from Moncloa 623, 625, 627.

  • Tuesday 7th October.

St. George’s Guild. Open to all

11.00am Coffee. 11:20am A talk by George Irani on “Relations between Muslims and Christians”. St. George’s Church Hall, C/ Núñez de Balboa, 43.

  • 10 - 19 October

Ojo Cojo International film festival www.elojocojo.org

El Festival Internacional de Cine El Ojo Cojo nace con el objetivo de promover la integración cultural de los grupos desfavorecidos, y difundir obras cinematográficas de calidad que difícilmente llegan a España, promoviendo de esta forma el conocimiento y el disfrute de otras estéticas, pero fundamentalmente sensibilizando respecto a otras realidades. Procuramos lograr el mayor número de miradas en la búsqueda y construcción de una sociedad más justa y solidaria.



11 Octubre 8pm Artebar C/ San Bruno, 3


13 October 6pm Centro Madrileño de Imágenes C/ Conde Duque, 9

14 October 7.20pm Yemayá C/ Calatrava, 16


11 Octubre 7.15pm Reina Sofía

13 Octubre 7.35pm Instituto Cervantes C/ Alcalá, 49


11 Octubre 9.20pm Artebar C/ San Bruno, 3

18 Octubre 9.20pm Yemayá C/ Calatrava, 16

18 Octubre 10.35pm Plaza de la Paja


11 Octubre 5,45pm Reina Sofía

15 Octubre 7.50pm Instituto Cervantes C/ Alcalá, 49


12 Octubre 7.05pm Artebar C/ San Bruno, 3

16 october 8.25pm Centro Madrileño de Imágenes C/ Conde Duque, 9

  • Sunday 12th October 8 pm

Gigging Guiri (stand-up comedy)

Craig Hill , the kilted comedian, comes to us fresh from a sell-out crowd at Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where he performed his ninth annual solo show.

Sala Clamores C/ Albuquerque, 14 (Metro Bilbao) Tickets: 15 euros at www.comedyinspain.com or Fat Tony’s, C/ de la Cruz, 11 (Metro Sol), or 17 euros at the door.

  • 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 October 9 pm Teatro Liberarte, c/ Francisca Conde,7, tel: 91 733 00 29 (Metro: Valdeacederas).

Beckett shorts II.

The Madrid Players return this month with three short plays from Irish Playwright Samuel Beckett: Not I, Rough for the Theatre and That Time. These original language plays all feature fragmented memories and monologues.

  • 31st October Halloween

Halloween Trivia 11 pm (Free beer with costume)

J & J Books and Coffee C/ Espíritu Santo, 47 (Metro Noviciado)

  • 31st October Halloween parties

Finbars Irish Bar
Halloween fancy dress rave with whiskey for original costumes.
C/Marqués de Urquijo, 10.
Ugly Paddy
Drink promos & costume competition.
C/de los Mancebos, 4.
Triskel Tavern
Big Halloween party! Guinness and Jameson are providing beer promotions, costumes, downstairs Horror Crypt.C/San Vicente Ferrer, 3.
Party from 10pm-late, competition with prizes for the best costumes. Four locations throughout Madrid (see ad p9).
Party with drink specials, costumes.
C/Espoz y Mina, 7.
O’Connell St.
Big party with live music, drink specials and costume contests.C/Espoz y Mina, 7.
Irish Rover
Party with a Galician celtic rock band Ruxe Ruxe, major decorations and prizes for
fancy dress, also celebrating 'Oktoberfest' with a Tyrolian bierkeler band, Blechauffa, on 11 October. Avenida Brasil, 7.
Shamrocks Irish Pub
Party, 3x2 beers, 2x1 mixed drinks. Johnny Walker Black Pary. Prizes for best costumes.
Paseo Pintor Rosales, 6.
Party with live music, fancy dress party with prizes for girls and guys. C/Principe, 12.
Halloween party with billiards tournaments and prizes. Gran Vía, 31.

  • 31st October – 1st November 8 pm (Festival de Otoño)

I went to the house but did not enter Teatro de la Zarzuela C/ Jovellanos, 4

La intensa interpretación musical del Hilliard Ensemble y la dirección del compositor Heiner Goebbels anclan esta obra sin trama lineal que sólo completa su significado al ser vista y escuchada. Un concierto en tres actos. Y en cada acto, un texto del siglo XX. T. S. Eliot, Maurice Blanchot, Samuel Beckett. Un tema compartido y un yo anónimo construido con multitud de voces para enganchar al espectador en un no tiempo, de un no lugar, en el que transcurre una historia imposible, un viaje que nunca se emprende, una alegoría del antihéroe.

  • 31st October- 2nd November 9 pm (Festival de Otoño)

The Monkey Trial Sala Cuarta Pared C/ Ercilla, 17 (Metro Acacias)

Una exposición hilarante sobre las improbabilidades bíblicas en una batalla entre hombres que se creen dueños de la verdad...

El 10 de julio de 1925 el estado de Tennessee llevó a los tribunales a John Scopes, un joven profesor de Biología que osó acercar a sus alumnos las teorías evolucionistas de Darwin, incluyendo el parentesco entre el ser humano y el mono… En la acusación, el candidato presidencial William Jennings. En la defensa, el fiscal anticlerical Clarence Darrow. En el escenario, sátira, actualidad, polémica, papeles cambiantes, comicidad y un desarrollo argumental casi cinematográfico, con momentos de clímax que recuerdan a clásicos del género como Twelve Angry Men (Doce hombres sin piedad).

  • Sunday 30th November at the COMPLEJO TRYP CENTRO NORTE, C/ Mauricio Legendre 16 (Chamartín)


Baked goods, bar, books, Christmas cards, Food and sandwiches, handicrafts, nearly new clothes, teas, tombola, toys, white elephants

Associations and clubs/ Intercambios/Tertulias/ International parties or meetings

· The British Ladies’ Association invites English speakers of any nationality (both men and women) to join our association. We meet on the last Tues. of each month at 10:30am for coffee and a talk by a speaker. The meeting is held at St. George’s Church Hall, C/Núñez de Balboa 43. There are also other activities and outings and a Christmas bazaar to help raise funds for local Spanish charities. Contact Frances Bushby on tel: 918 152 185 or Sheila Jones on tel: 918 034 713. www.blamadrid.com

  • International Newcomer’s Club of Madrid – meet people, make friends. Meetings every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Contact Andrea Isiminger at 91 815 2116Whether you’re new to Madrid, or an “old hand”, welcome to the International Newcomers Club and get a taste of the fun-filled year ahead. Take a deserved break from your recent routine, whether it’s unpacking moving boxes, getting children off to school, or starting a new job. Recharge your batteries in the company of an amazingly diverse group of women who represent more than 25 countries and a zillion talents and interests, but who all share a desire to become acquainted with Madrid and its international community. And these are just our general meetings! Why not join us for coffee at our coffee mornings held monthly at various locations in Madrid, or bring your partner to one of our popular wine and tapas evenings? If you like to sing, talk, quilt, play cards, walk, read books, travel, we’ve got an interest group for you! http://www.incmadrid.com/
  • St. George’s Guild: Meetings are held at St. George’s Church Hall, C/Núñez de Balboa 43. An interdenominational group which meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 11:0am. There is a lending library that opens after the meeting.
  • Madrid network España – for professional women of all nationalities. Contact Diana Wienberg on 907 700 600 Evening meetings
  • Madrid Players – The English Language theatre group. Plaza Perseo, 9 (Metro Conde de Casal), entrance opposite C/Perseo, 16. Call 91 326 2439. http://www.madridplayers.blogspot.com/
  • Pub philosophy group every Sunday 6-8:30pm, Molly Malone’s, C/Manuela Malasaña, 11 (Metro Bilbao), Lawrence. E-mail: philomadrid@yahoo.co.uk or tel: 606081813
  • Madrid Art Group: If you are a visual artist; painter, sculptor, photographer, printmaker, etc. and would like to meet once a month, to have a drink and talk o other artists, contact Louisa, e-mail madridartgroup@hotmail.com
  • Writers’ group. Writers with work in progress and a view to publication welcome. Call Charlie, tel: 91 816 2419, or e-mail madridwriters@patchword.com
  • International group discussing literature in English, e.g. short stories. We meet once a month. Newcomers are welcome. E-mail us at tab_reading@yahoo.es
  • Hola! A partir de octubre nos reunimos de nuevo los lunes en cine ideal para ver peliculas en version original, y otros dias en la filmoteca. Bienvenido a las sesiones de cine internacional! mas info: http://www.madridculture.com/es/madrid-clubs-cultura.html o email: ruben@madridculture.com NEW!!!!
  • Someone interested in group for practice of Visualization and inner experience. Tel: 660 521 318. NEW!!!!
  • Scottish country dancing: every Tuesday at the Centro Gallego at 7:30pm. Beginners and experienced dancers welcome. Contact Sheila Pérez on 91 738 77 94
  • Hash House Harriers – can be a 1hr cross-country, jog or just a pleasant walk, followed by drinks and a meal. Every Sunday. Hotline 91 518 81 31 or call 91 358 51 69. http://www.madridhhh.com/
  • Madrid Lions Rugby Club welcomes new players of all levels and nationalities. Pub night Thursdays from 8:30pm at Finnegan’s, Plaza de las Salesas (Metro Alonso martínez or Colón) Check www.madridlionsrfc.com and ring Charlie on 636 067 716
  • Volleyball. Colors United Madrid are looking for new players (male) different ages, level medium or high. Email: jl_ag@hotmail.com or tel: 626 669 744. Starts in October.
  • Cricket in Madrid? YES, Madrid cricket club is looking for players of all levels and nationalities. Play in the Spanish national league! For more info contact David 670 087 637 or Manny 627 557 572
  • Thai Boxing Club in Madrid welcomes new members to learn this amazing sport. All levels and sexes welcome. Private classes also available. visit www.muaythaimadrid.com , email: info@muaythaimadrid.com or contact David on 662 164 877. NEW!!!!
  • Poker (Texas Hold'Em N/L). Do you like playing poker? Let's have a weekly tournament. Email: sonny@ecosse.net NEW!!!!
  • Tennis in Alcobendas ( north of Madrid ) looking for player with good level, weekday or weekend morning. Email: vicente505@yahoo.es NEW!!!!
  • Play TAGRUGBY every saturday during the month of October and after the games watch RWC matches in the James Joyce Irish pub. Prizes each day sponsored by Canterbruy rugby and the James Joyce. More details on www.tagrugby.es NEW!!!!
  • Lacrosse in Madrid! Join us! We welcome all to come and play or learn Lacrosse. Men's and Women's. Please visit: www.madridlacrosse.com
  • MADRIDBABEL: Meet Spanish/international people from over 30 different nationalities & exchange languages absolutely free at Café Madrid (c/ Escalinata s/n - metro Opera) every Wednesday from 21:30 till 2:00. Ask for Fran (madrleni@yahoo.es). Welcome Back Party on Friday 5th at 9pm at El Barbu Club (c/ Santiago, 3, Metro Opera). Check our website: http://es.groups.yahoo.com/group/madridbabel
  • International Travellers’ Tertulia (free) Meeting every Thurs. 9:30pm-2am, Café Madrid, C/Escalinata S/N (Metro Opera). Talk to people from all over the world! New members welcome. Antoine. E-mail: an21glo@gmail.com or www.madridintercambios.glo24.com
  • O’Neill’s Join our group of Spaniards+foreigners in Madrid. Meet new people and practise Spanish, English and other languages for free.Tuesdays from10pm at O’Neill’s, C/Príncipe 12, Metro Sol/Sevilla. E-mail puestres@yahoo.es or tel: 618 271 778. Youtube: Telemadrid david
  • International group of friends would like to have new members to do every kind of activities in Madrid. Tel: 653087841
  • Grupo intercambio. Hi there! We are a group of people who meet on Sat. around 10pm for a language exchange (English-Spanish) over a drink. If you fancy coming, e-mail grupo_intercambio@yahoo.com
  • English conversation group on Sundays at 6.30pm in Café Comercial (Metro Bilbao). Practise English over a coffee and put a relaxing end to your hectic weekend. All levels welcomed. Email me at thelanguagexchange@hotmail.com or call Oscar on 660 519 499. NEW!!!!
  • Cultural and social international English-speaking group Are you looking for new friends? We are an international English-speaking group (35 +) welcoming participative members. Talks, theatre and films, quizzes, outings, music and singing, Saturday lunchtime parties. E-mail us: catcristine@yahoo.es or as_mad@hotmail.com or phone us: 91 548 37 93 (10-11pm) / 628 420 155
  • Diversionyamigos.com: A good way of making friends and having fun. Group travels, Sport and cultural activities, parties, events, gastronomy. All kinds of people are welcomed. NEW!!!!
  • J & J Books and Coffee C/Espíritu Santo, 47 Metro Noviciado 91 521 8576. Intercambio Wed-Fri 8pm

Quiz nights

  • O’Neill’s, C/Príncipe 12. Every Monday night at 22:00
  • Moore’s, C/Barceló, 1. Every Monday night
  • J & J Books C/Espíritu Santo, 47 Metro Noviciado 91 521 8576. Quiz night every Friday night 11pm
  • Bo Fin Tuesdays. Esquina Diego de León con Velásquez (also Trivial)
  • Anyway Thursdays. Viriato, 64
  • Triskel Corredera Alta de San Pablo, 20.Tel: 91 523 27 83
  • Website with sample questions http://www.avendano.org/quiz/index.php

Celtic/Folk Music

  • Finbars C/Marqués de Urquijo, 10 www.finbarsmadrid.com 91 548 37 93 Trad session every Tuesday
  • Other Irish pubs featuring Spanish Celtic bands, Irish bands or special invited guests from Ireland:

Finnegan’s 91 310 0521, The James Joyce 91 575 4901,

Molly Malone’s 91 594 16 35, Moore’s 91365 5802, O’Connor’s 91310 44 35, O’Neill’s 91 521 20 30, Triskel Tavern 91 523 27 83, O’Connell Street 91 531 64 19, Irish Corner 91 377 42 51, Irish Rover 91 597 48 11


  • Hartley’s Good Bookshop C/Padilla, 74 (corner of Alcántara) Metro Diego de León/Lista 91 401 9077 Mon-Fri 11-14:00 & 17-20:00; Sat 11-14:00 New books – used books & DVDs bought and sold
  • Petra’s International Bookshop C/Campomanes, 13, 28013 Metro Opera,/Santo Domingo91 541 7291 Monday to Saturday 11:00 to 21:00 Second-hand books in many languages.
  • J & J Books and Coffee C/Espíritu Santo, 47 Metro Noviciado 91 521 8576. Now open on Sundays. Buy, sell and trade your English books plus great food, drinks and events available. http://www.jandjbooksandcoffee.com/ Intercambio nights Wed-Fri 8pm. Quiz night every Friday night 11pm. Story time for kids Saturdays at noon
  • Bookseller’s English Bookshop C/Fernández de la Hoz, 40 Metro Iglesia 91 442 8104 http://www.madridteacher.com/booksellers.htm
  • Bookseller’s Bilingual Bookshop Plaza de Olavide, 10 Metro Bilbao/Iglesia 91 702 7944
  • Pasajes International Bookshop C/ Génova, 3 28004 Madrid Tel: 913 101 245 E-mail: libreria@pasajeslibros.com
  • The Food Hall C/Isla de Alegranza, 6 Nave 38 / S.S. Reyes, Madrid Mon. to Fri. 10 to 20.30 h Sat. 11 to 20.30 h. We do not close at lunchtime. 902431136. shop on line: www.thefoodhall.es New access by metro. Line 10 est. Hospital Norte
  • The Things You Miss. Juan de Austria, 11, 28010 Madrid. Opening times: Monday to Friday 10:00–14:30 &17:00–20:30; Saturdays 10:00–14:30 www.thethingsyoumiss.com
  • Living in London tearoom Calle de Santa Engracia, 4 Tel: 91.319.79.58 Timetable: 10 to 22 h. A recreation of a typical English Victorian tearoom, with embroidered linen table cloths, flowery wallpaper, small tables and nineteenth century ornaments. At the entrance there are shelves of jams, biscuits, chutneys, tea, clotted cream etc. for sale along with homemade sandwiches and cakes. Part of the proceeds go towards helping families in the Mangola Chini Valley (Tanzania)
  • Tea Shop C/ Fernando VI, 5 28004 Madrid. Tel: 913 081 166

  • BLA Charity shop. Located at Nave 19, Calle N, Europolis, Las Rozas Our Charity Shop which is staffed entirely by volunteers within the British Ladies Association, and is one of our main sources of income. It is open from the beginning of October until June every Thursday and first Saturday of the month from 11am to 3pm..All second-hand clothes, books, toys, bric-a-brac, kitchen wear, DVDs, CDs and videos are welcome. A great place to pick up a bargain or two. All the proceeds go to our charities. If travelling by car, take the A6 and exit by the Escorial, Las Rozas exit (salida 18). Keep left towards the Escorial and proceed up the small motorway, turning right at the Citroen showrooms and turning immediately right again into Calle N. Buses from Moncloa 623, 625, 627


Free newspaper in English

Drama course

Special rates for English teachers 91 360 1299 http://www.marsillachactingacademy.com/

What’s on


  • Tuesday 2nd: St. George’s Guild 11.0am

Talk: “Travels in Rajasthan, India”

  • Wednesday 10th International Newcomers’ Club of Madrid
  • Tuesday 30th British ladies Association monthly meeting.

Talk by Elizabeth Nash, the Madrid Correspondent for The Independent on “The Cultural and Literary History of Seville”. Her book will be on sale (20 euros)


  • Tuesday 6th: St. George’s Guild 11.0am
  • Wednesday 14th International Newcomers’ Club of Madrid
  • Tuesday 27th British ladies Association monthly meeting.
  • Thanksgiving parties

· St. Andrew’s Day party


  • Sunday 2nd British Ladies’ Bazaar

Complejo Tryp Centro Norte C/Mauricio Legendre 16

  • Tuesday 4th: St. George’s Guild 11.0am
  • Wednesday 12th International Newcomers’ Club of Madrid
  • Friday 7th, Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th: Madrid Players’ Pantomime: Cinderella

26 febrero 2008


Cycle de cinéma d'avant-garde DeMon - Organisé par l’Institut Français de Madrid en collaboration avec les Cahiers du cinéma –

Programa 2: Les flambeaux Silence (2007), de F.J. Ossang,

lundi 25 févier à 20h, précédé de La chute de la maison Usher (1928) de Jean Epstein - Institut Français, C/Marqués de la Ensenada, 12 (métro Colon) Rétrospective Ossang : L’affaire des divisions Morituri (1985) -

Mardi 26 février à 20h – Filmoteca, cine Doré, C/de Santa Isabel, 3 (métro Anton Martin)Le trésor des îles chiennes (1990) –

Mercredi 27 à 19h30 – Filmoteca, C/de Santa Isabel, 3 (métro Anton Martin)Docteur Chance (1997) –

Jeudi 28 à 19h –Casa Encendida, Ronda Valencia 2 (métro Embajadores)

14 febrero 2008

Recommended Reading

The Boy Who Fell Out of the Sky: A True Story
Dornstein, Ken | Random House, © 2006

Dornstein examines the life of his late brother, who was killed in the Lockerbie bombing, and writes a refreshingly personal and uplifting memoir in the process.

Brooklyn Follies
Author Paul Auster

The 60-year-old Nathan Glass returns to Brooklyn after his wife has left him. He is recovering from lung cancer and is looking for a quiet place to die. In Brooklyn he meets his nephew, Tom, whom he has not seen in several years. Tom has seemingly given up on life and has resigned himself to a string of meaningless jobs as he waits for his life to change. They develop a close friendship, entertaining each other in their misery, as they both try to avoid taking part in life.

When Lucy, a little girl who refuses to speak, comes into their lives there is suddenly a bridge between their past and their future that offers both Tom and Nathan some form of redemption.

The Brooklyn Follies contains the classic elements of a Paul Auster novel. The main character is a lonely man, who has suffered an unfortunate reversal. The narrative is based on sudden and randomly happening events and coincidences.

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a 2006 novel by John Boyne. This is the first Boyne book written for children.

Unlike the months of planning Boyne had for his other books, he said that he wrote the entire first draft of Boy in two and a half days, barely sleeping until he got to the end. Plot

This book is a story about a nine year old boy trying to understand what is happening around him in (Out-With) Auschwitz during World War II.

The main character, a nine year-old boy called Bruno, is the son of strict commander of a Nazi concentration camp. He has a strong headed sister, Gretel (the Hopeless Case). They live in a five story mansion, but are one day suddenly moved to a place called Out-With (Auschwitz).[4] Bruno, outraged by his father's decision to move to Out-With, and desperate to go home, spends his time in his room with no friends. He is also annoyed by the fact that they live in a three story house instead of their old five-story mansion, and with such a small space, there isn't any room for exploration (a hobby of Bruno's) to be done. He also misses sliding down the banister in their old house.

Atonement (2001) is a novel by British writer Ian McEwan.
It is widely regarded as one of McEwan's best works and was shortlisted for the 2001 Booker Prize for fiction, an award that he had already won for his previous novel, Amsterdam.

McEwan utilizes several important stylistic techniques in the novel, namely metafiction and deliberate ambiguity.

A film adaptation, to be directed by Joe Wright is currently in production for Working Title Films.

Atonement is a complex novel that presents an intricate story told from several points of view.

13-year-old Briony Tallis sees her older sister, Cecilia, having sex with family friend Robbie. Too young and innocent to understand what she is witnessing, her overactive imagination and misguided sense of betrayal lead her to implicate Robbie in a crime he did not commit, the rape of a houseguest, for which he is arrested and imprisoned. Growing to adulthood, Briony must deal with the consequences of what she has done. The events of the novel take place in both England and France, over the span of several years.

No Country for Old Men is a 2005 novel by American author Cormac McCarthy.
Set along the United States–Mexico border in 1980, the story concerns an illicit drug deal gone wrong in a remote desert location. The title comes from the poem "Sailing to Byzantium" by William Butler Yeats.

The plot follows the interweaving paths of the three central characters (Llewelyn Moss, Anton Chigurh, and Ed Tom Bell) set in motion by events related to a drug deal gone bad near the Mexican-American border in southwest Texas in Terrell County in 1980.

Llewelyn Moss is a welder and Vietnam War veteran who stumbles across the aftermath of a drug-related gun battle which has left everyone dead except a single badly wounded Mexican. Moss finds a truck full of heroin and a satchel with $2.4 million in cash. He takes the money, but leaves the Mexican alive, which ignites a hunt for Moss that stretches for most of the remaining novel.

McCarthy tells the story in two voices. The bulk of the book is presented in third person, interspersed with first person reminiscences from Sheriff Bell. The reliance on dialogue and the sketchbook revelation of plot details lend a mystical air to the work.

Goodbye, Columbus (1959) is the title of the first book published by the American novelist Philip Roth, a collection of six stories.

In addition to its title novella, set in New Jersey, Goodbye, Columbus contains the five short stories "The Conversion of the Jews," "Defender of the Faith," "Epstein," "You Can't Tell a Man by the Song He Sings," and "Eli, the Fanatic." Each story deals with the problems and concerns of second and third-generation assimilated American Jews as they leave the ethnic ghettos of their parents and grandparents and go on to college, the white-collar professions, and life in the suburbs.

The book was a critical success for Roth, winning the 1960 National Book Award and earning a name for him as a talented up-and-coming young writer. Still, the book was not without controversy, as certain elements in the Jewish community took issue with Roth's less than flattering portrayal of some of his characters. The short story Defender of the Faith, about a Jewish drill sergeant who is exploited by three shirking, co-religionist draftees, drew particular ire. When Roth in 1962 appeared on a panel alongside the distinguished black novelist Ralph Ellison to discuss minority representation in literature, the questions directed at him soon turned into denunciations. Many accused Roth of being a self-hating Jew, a label that would stick with him for much of his career. It is often speculated that the wildly obscene comedy of Portnoy's Complaint (1969) was Roth's defiant reply to his early Jewish critics.

From Wikipedia. More at Wikipedia




When a teenage girl is faced with an unexpected pregnancy, she enlists the aid of her best friend in finding the unborn child a suitable home in this coming-of-age comedy drama from Thank You for Smoking director Jason Reitman. Juno (Ellen Page) may seem wise beyond her years, but after sleeping with classmate Bleeker (Michael Cera), the pregnant teen quickly realizes how little she really knows about life. Thankfully, Juno has been blessed with parents (J.K. Simmons and Allison Janney) who trust their daughter's judgment, and a best friend named Leah (Olivia Thirlby), who's always willing to help out in a pinch. With a little help from Leah, Juno soon comes into contact with Mark (Jason Bateman) and Vanessa (Jennifer Garner) -- an affluent suburban couple who have been unable to conceive a child of their own. Mark and Vanessa seem like they would make great parents, and are eager to adopt Juno's unborn child. Now, as adolescent Juno is faced with a series of very adult decisions, she will draw on the support of her family and friends in order to discover who she truly is, and discover that one bad choice can have a lifetime of consequences. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide FROM MOVIFONE

Para verla en Madrid en Cines Renoir

Watch review with trailer.


Un recorrido por las músicas del mundo. Las músicas de CaixaForum

Tipo de Actividad: Ciclo de conciertos
Itinerante: no

Del 14/02/2008 al 14/02/2008

Ensemble Al-Kindi
Del 21/02/2008 al 21/02/2008

Di Gojim
Del 28/02/2008 al 28/02/2008

Trio Chemirani
Del 06/03/2008 al 06/03/2008

The Kamkars
Del 13/03/2008 al 13/03/2008

Actuación de Huun-Huur-Tu en el Festival de Filadelfia.


Cidadão Instigado

> Espectáculo incluido en Brasileños. Conciertos.

"Voy a intentar ser lo mas verdadero posible...," esa es la frase que da origen a este proyecto de Cidadão Instigado, partiendo del principio de que la búsqueda de la verdad propia es lo más importante. Un proyecto ideado por Fernando Catatau en 1994. El punto de partida para sus composiciones son historias autobiográficas que se transforman en letras y las letras se convierten en música, de forma triste, tensa, nostálgica y psicodélica. Abriéndose a la música que sugieren las imágenes, sea la de un personaje que por diferente lleva las marcas del prejuicio, sea la de un pobre que piensa que colocándose dientes de oro falso va a cambiar su suerte. Imágenes, momentos vividos, transformados en canciones. La música viene de los maestros: Ritchie Havens, King Crimson, Roberto Carlos, Raul Seixas, Serge Gainsbourg, Bob Marley… todos nosotros somos así, nos inspiramos y después volcamos hacia fuera nuestra propia identidad. Como músico, Fernando Catatau, ha tocado con numerosos artistas (los hermanos, Nacão Zumbi, Vanessa da Mata, Dj dolores, Otto, Zeca Baleiro, Eddie, Hurtmold...) también ha compuesto diversas bandas sonora para cine.

Ficha artística

Fernando Catatau: voz, guitarra y teclados. Regis Damasceno: guitarra, violín y voces. Rian Batista: bajo y vocal. Clayton Martin: batería acústica y electrónica.

  • Hora: 21.00 h
  • Lugar: Patio

Más información

Desde tres días antes de cada actividad en cajeros de la red Caja Madrid, www.entradas.com, en el teléfono 902 488 488 y en La Casa Encendida, de 10.00 a 21.45 h
17.02.08 - 17.02.08
3 euros


Le scaphandre et le papillon (2007)

Film français de Julian Schnabel,
avec Mathieu Amalric, Emmanuelle Seigner, Marie-José Croze
Primé deux fois aux Golden Globes et nominé quatre fois aux Oscars

En sortant d’un coma profond, Dominique Bauby ne peut plus bouger ni parler et doit communiquer avec son œil. Grâce à lui, il va réussir à écrire un livre, Le scaphandre et le papillon- Voir les salles et les horaires



Date: 20 février à 22h
LIEU: Círculo de Bellas Artes c/ Alcalá, 42 , (M Banco de España) –
Entrée : 40 euros –
Réservation : www.telentrada.com ou 902 10 12 12

13 febrero 2008

Persépolis. La Critique a dit:


- Lorenzo Codelli

Barème AlloCiné :

Jafar Panahi, Abbas Kiarostami, Mohsen Makhmalbaf et d'autres cinéastes iraniens non-alignés nous avaient avertis sur la dégradation de ce régime. Satrapi sublime leur réflexion : elle porte (...) le drapeau de toute une génération.

Retrouvez toutes les critiques sur le site "Positif"
La revue de presse AlloCiné de "Positif"

Paris Match

- Alain Spira

Barème AlloCiné :

Persepolis mêle le rire aux larmes, sans faire l'impasse sur les ravages de la dictature islamiste avec son lot d'intolérances et d'arrestations. Drôle et poignante, éducative et captivante (...)

Retrouvez toutes les critiques sur le site "Paris Match"
La revue de presse AlloCiné de "Paris Match"


- Dominique Widemann

Barème AlloCiné :

La maîtrise artistique ne le cède en rien à l'intelligence du fond et de la forme.

Lire la critique complète sur le site "L'Humanité"
Retrouvez toutes les critiques sur le site "L'Humanité"
La revue de presse AlloCiné de "L'Humanité"

Le Figaroscope

- Emmanuèle Frois

Barème AlloCiné :

Tout en conservant l'âme de la BD, le duo a réussi à trouver un autre style de narration, à créer de nouvelles scènes. On est autant touché par la personnalité mélancolico- frondeuse de Marjane que par son cercle familier (...) Un beau moment de cinéma (...)

Lire la critique complète sur le site "Le Figaroscope"
Retrouvez toutes les critiques sur le site "Le Figaroscope"
La revue de presse AlloCiné de "Le Figaroscope"

Pour regarder la bande annonce de ce film cliquez içi.

05 febrero 2008


Dentro de ESCENA CONTEMPORÁNEA el Festival Alternativo de las Artes Escénicas

MY ARM - Tim Crouch /news from nowhere

Género: Teatro

Lugar: Teatro Pradillo

Días: 5, 6 de Febrero.

Hora: 20:30 h.

Duración: 1 hora

Procedencia: Reino Unido

Idioma: Inglés con sobretítulos en español


03 febrero 2008


La rencontre de quatre destins croisés qui vont finir par s'apprivoiser, se connaître, s'aimer, vivre sous le même toit.Camille fait des ménages le soir dans les bureaux et dessine avec grâce à ses heures perdues. Philibert est un jeune aristocrate féru d'histoire, timide, émotif et solitaire, il occupe un grand appartement que possède sa famille. Franck est cuisinier, viril et tendre, il aime infiniment sa grand-mère, Paulette, une vieille dame fragile et drôle.Leurs doutes, leurs chagrins, c'est ensemble qu'ils vont apprendre à les adoucir, pour avancer, réaliser leurs rêves. Ils vont se découvrir et comprendre qu'ensemble, on est plus fort.

La critique a dit:

Le Figaroscope
- Marie-Noëlle Tranchant
Barème AlloCiné :
C'est un film pour fêter le printemps, un petit bijou de fraîcheur, de pureté, de gaieté généreuse et tendre.
Lire la critique complète sur le site "Le Figaroscope"Retrouvez toutes les critiques sur le site "Le Figaroscope"La revue de presse AlloCiné de "Le Figaroscope"
Le Monde
- Jean-Luc Douin
Barème AlloCiné :
Le film ne cherche pas la malice, il observe sur un mode léger, tendre, jubilatoire et sensible, la quête d'harmonie de ces quatres personnages au coeur pur, avec une indiscutable empathie.
document.write('Retrouvez toutes les critiques sur le site "Le Monde"');
Retrouvez toutes les critiques sur le site "Le Monde"La revue de presse AlloCiné de "Le Monde"

Pour voir la preview en français

02 febrero 2008

ONCE: Music in the streets

PARK CITY -- Described by Irish director John Carney as an "art house musical," "Once" was one of the unheralded small films that took people by surprise and became a sleeper hit at the Sundance Film Festival, winning the World Audience Award. The story of a street musician and an immigrant girl who connect and then disconnect, the film has enormous charm and zero pretense. It deserves to find a home in theaters... Read the full review and more at hollywoodreporter.com.


A Guy (with no name - Glen Hansard of the Irish band Frames) is singing his heart out on the streets of Dublin for tip money. One day a Czech Girl (with no name - Marketa Irglova) stops to listen to the Guy play his music. She is very impressed by his songs and she asks if he wrote his own music. The Guy says that he writes and loves to play his own songs to himself even if the street crowd wants to hear other music. It is nice to earn tips, but that is not what his music is all about. The Guy lives at home and helps his father repair vacuum cleaners, but he has a dream of becoming a recording star. His girlfriend of many years has just left him and is now living in London. You can tell what this has done to his emotions, because it is being reflected in his new songs. The Girl who happens to have a broken vacuum cleaner also has a musical background of playing the piano and writing songs. Their music brings them together and the Girl begins to help the Guy realize his dream. They begin to share their music and their feeling for each other. They put together a band with other street players and rent a recording studio for the weekend to record two demos. This could be the start of a new and wonderful life.



FROM DIRECTOR PAUL HAGGIS whose previous work includes directing "Crash" and writing "Million Dollar Baby," both Oscar winners, and was nominated as co-writer of "Letters From Iwo Jima."

Ostensibly a murder-mystery set against the backdrop of the war in Iraq, In the Valley of Elah is a deeply reflective, quietly powerful work that is as timely as it is moving.

Review by Roger Eberts

Tommy Lee Jones character Sergeant Deerpoint is uncertain that the version of events being given to him by the army he once served with respect and love are true - about the tragic death of his son - who had survived a tour of duty in Iraq, only to die once back on American soil. He doggedly questions the army investigators, and Charlize Theron's police detective character is motivated enough to be his ally in the quest. Officially, every army door is closed in his face, but Theron's sexual chemistry is enough to disarm even the hardest of men, and she gently probes, being given enough 'off-the-record' material to finally piece together the events of the tragedy. But is that tragedy that we uncover Deerpoint junior's death as murder? Or that the army once so loved, and so respected, can turn its back, leaving you with nothing but sheer contempt for it? Finally, Deerpoint's son in Iraq descended into behaviour that can only reflect the Hell-hole that war is, and what Deerpoint's colleagues eventually do to him is only a consequence of all that dehumanization... and the tragedy of Sergeant Deerpoint's final disillusionment, signified in that tattered and torn Old Glory he raises at the end. More at IMDB

Watch the trailer. More information at Renoir